The Team Renegade Blog X-perience: August 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

An Instrospective Sophisticate's Lunar Soliloquy

by Chaplow

Even before the dawn of recorded human civilization, man has looked up at the sky and thought about absolutely nothing. Then the moon would come out and the prehistoric honeys would sigh dreamily, and you know our forefathers took notice. Sure cave-women looked less like Betty Rubble and more like the smell of a mammoth's butt in hairy ape form, but men back then liked that. And that made the stone gears in their head start turning.

That's probably not 110% how it happened, but my point is that mankind has always had some kind of fascination with the moon. Throughout history, it is common to find cultures that thought of the moon as having a personality, as being a goddess or something of the sort. I don't know as I dont dawdle amongst savages.

DID YOU KNOW however, that recent studies show that we identify so much with the moon because of its human face?

Look at the moon closely, remembering that the moon always looks the same because the same side is always facing the Earth:

I don't care what you say, this has never looked like cheese.

Dont see what the experts are buzzing about? It's okay... you might have to be a lunatic to see it without proper training (heh heh or maybe a lunatak).

Just kidding, that would be totally gross.

Look at this photograph of the Moon as seen from Earth:

You see it? Take a closer look:

Here, you can take a closelier look.
Move your eyes quickly from the moon on the left to the one on the right:

Pretty sneaky, sis.

Our first instinct is to believe that someone or something snakily placed a humanoid face on our moon. That is silly though, how or when would that have even occurred?

It's a pretty eery mystery but it doesn't even end there!


Here, squint your eyes and lean your head just slightly to your left.

Not that left, ◄ That Left.

 Yeah you see it.
Here's the enhanced image just to verify what you've feared all along.


This week I'd like to thank the moon and the folks at wikipedia.
Check out this pretty awesome image of theirs showing the size and distance of the Moon and Earth to scale.